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New Initiatives Bring Transformation to Government Schools in Kashmir

From being labeled second-grade institutions to becoming beacons of hope, government schools in Kashmir are reclaiming their position as centers of quality education.

By Mool Raj

As the beauty of Kashmir blossoms with the arrival of spring, a parallel transformation is underway in the region’s government schools. Amidst the picturesque streets adorned by young students with their backpacks and lunchboxes, a renewed sense of dedication and accountability is taking hold among the teachers. The credit for this positive shift goes to the LG Administration and the School Education Directors of both Jammu and Kashmir divisions, who have spearheaded a series of new initiatives aimed at revitalizing the state-run educational institutions. These efforts are breathing new life into government schools, bringing hope for a brighter future for Kashmir’s students. New Initiatives Bring Transformation to Government Schools in Kashmir

However, the blame cannot solely be placed on the people. The mistakes of past regimes have held us back, restricting our exploration and critical thinking. Pakistan took advantage of our limitations and exploited our vulnerabilities.

One major setback has been the lack of commitment from teachers in government-run educational institutions. Instead of fulfilling their responsibilities with dedication, government teachers have been more focused on receiving handsome salaries. They have prioritized the education of their own children, while neglecting the underprivileged students who depend on them for guidance. Numerous instances have been recounted by my parents, where teachers were appointed despite having only completed primary-level education. It is evident that if a teacher’s own education was limited to Grade 5 or 8, their ability to provide quality education would be severely hampered.

Although the qualifications required for government teachers have evolved over time, their attitude has not followed suit. They have continued to prioritize the future of their own children, drawing substantial salaries and enrolling them in private English-medium institutions. As a result, these privileged students have excelled while their peers in government schools have struggled to compete due to a significant disparity in knowledge and understanding.

Government schools, unfortunately, have been considered inferior to their private counterparts. While private school students progress quickly, government school students lag behind. This perception has resulted in a loss of credibility for government schools. Even today, those who choose to educate their children in government schools are looked down upon, perpetuating the notion that these schools are exclusively for the underprivileged. Perhaps the teachers feel unaccountable since the schools do not charge any fees.

However, in recent years, a noticeable shift has occurred, and government schools are gaining more respect. This change can be attributed to the efforts of the LG Administration and the School Education Directors of both Jammu and Kashmir divisions. The transformation is apparent. The government school teachers have exhibited newfound dedication and commitment to their roles. Morning prayers in government schools are resounding and spirited, and the students’ enthusiasm is palpable.

We are now heading towards a time when state-run academic institutions will witness a significant increase in enrollment. There are numerous advantages to studying in government schools, the primary one being that education is free from recurring costs. Additionally, these schools are easily accessible. It appears that parents can now inquire about their children’s progress reports, as the government is ensuring teacher accountability. As responsible citizens, we should support the government teachers in this initiative by enrolling our children in government schools and making the enrollment drive a resounding success.


Step into a world where government schools in Kashmir are shedding their old image and embracing a fresh vision of academic excellence. Experience the renewed energy, improved infrastructure, and innovative teaching methods that are making a real difference in students’ lives.

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