In India, cyberbullying is on the rise, with parents increasingly reporting their children as victims. Find out how to protect yourself and your loved ones with essential precautions and safety measures
By Er Aausyf Ibn Farooq
Cyberbullying is a serious and growing problem affecting many children and adults worldwide. According to a report by Comparitech, India has the highest percentage of parents who reported that their child has been a victim of cyberbullying, with 37% in 2018. This is an increase from 32% in 2011 and 2016. The report also found that Indian parents were more likely to say that their child has been cyberbullied by a stranger (46%) or someone they know (48%) than the global average (17% and 21%, respectively). Cyberbullying: India’s Growing Concern
Understanding Cyberbullying
People who use digital devices to communicate, learn, and have fun are often victims of cyberbullying.
Cyberbullying uses modern tools; In social media, chat services, gaming platforms, and mobile devices, it can happen. The act of intimidating, threatening, or coercing someone online through the use of social media, email, text messages, blog posts, or other digital or electronic methods.
The act of bullying utilizing technology to intimidate or hurt someone else. Internet, mobile devices, or cameras, for instance, could be used in cyberbullying.
A type of electronic bullying or abuse. Online bullying is another name for cyberbullying and cyberharassment.
Some examples of cyberbullying include:

Spreading lies, sending hurtful messages, impersonating someone, sharing personal information, exclusion from online groups, and making fun of someone’s appearance, identity, abilities, beliefs, or interests on social media, causing humiliation.
Some of the common types of cyberbullying reported in India are spreading false rumours, being excluded from chats or groups, and name-calling. Cyberbullying can cause emotional distress, anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and even suicidal thoughts. It can also lead to legal consequences for the perpetrators, as cyberbullying is a punishable offence under the Information Technology Act, of 2000.
Cyberbullying is a serious issue that can have severe consequences. It’s crucial to be respectful and kind, report bullying, support victims, and speak up against it to create a safer internet environment.
Taking Action Against Cyberbullying
The Indian government and various organizations have taken steps to raise awareness and prevent cyberbullying. For example, the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology launched a portal called Cyber Surakshit Bharat in 2018 to provide information and resources on cyber safety. The National Commission for Protection of Child Rights also issued guidelines for schools to deal with cyberbullying in 2020. Additionally, some NGOs and activists have initiated campaigns and programs to educate children and parents about cyberbullying and how to cope with it.
The Global Picture
Cyberbullying is not limited to India; it’s a global concern. According to a Pew Research Center survey conducted in 2022, nearly half of U.S. teens (46%) have experienced at least one of six cyberbullying behaviours online or on their cellphone. The most common behaviour was name-calling (32%), followed by spreading false rumours (22%), receiving explicit images they didn’t ask for (17%), physical threats (10%), and having explicit images of them shared without their consent (7%). A similar survey by Ipsos in 2018 found that India had the highest percentage of parents who reported that their child had been cyberbullied (37%), followed by Brazil (29%), the United States (26%), and Belgium (25%). The lowest percentages were reported by Russia (4%) and Japan (5%).
Prevention and Precaution
Cyberbullying can have severe consequences, both mentally and physically. Therefore, it is essential to take precautions and prevent cyberbullying from happening or escalating. Some of the precautions include being respectful and kind online, protecting your privacy, blocking and reporting cyberbullies, and seeking help and support.
Measures taken to ensure safety:
It is crucial to implement specific safety measures to combat cyberbullying:
Education and Awareness: Launch educational campaigns in schools and communities to raise awareness about the consequences of cyberbullying and the importance of online etiquette and empathy.
Secure Online Spaces: Encourage social media platforms and online forums to implement stricter reporting mechanisms and moderation policies. Swift action against hate speech and harassment is essential.
Community Engagement: Promote dialogue and understanding among different communities in Kashmir. Encourage online and offline discussions that aim to build bridges and reduce tensions.
Mental Health Support: Establish accessible mental health services and hotlines to help individuals cope with the emotional toll of cyberbullying and online harassment.
Government Initiatives: The government should work towards creating robust cyber laws that address cyberbullying specifically. Law enforcement agencies should be trained to handle cyberbullying cases effectively.
To wind it up, cyberbullying is a complex and evolving issue that requires collective action from all stakeholders, including the government, internet service providers, social media platforms, schools, parents, and children themselves. By creating a culture of respect, empathy, and responsibility online, we can reduce the incidence and impact of cyberbullying not only in Kashmir but across the world.
The views expressed in this article are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or views of this newspaper. The author can be reached at
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