Traditional curriculum no more. The modern approach embraces creativity and adaptability, preparing students for a world driven by innovation and technology.
By Syed Mustafa Ahmad
Curriculum has undergone various definitions over the years, shaped by the evolving needs of society. In earlier decades, a dominant approach known as the traditional or bookish curriculum revolved around books, exams, discipline, fixed timetables, and paper degrees. This one-size-fits-all approach disregarded individual differences among students, offering the same syllabus to every child and stifling critical thinking. Modern Curriculum Revolutionizes Education
However, with the technological revolution, the demand for a modern curriculum has surged. The current era is characterized by AI, Robotics, Quantum mechanics, and remarkable innovations. Humans have even extended their reach to celestial bodies, and the prospect of life on other planets is no longer science fiction. Breakthroughs in information technology have accelerated calculations that once took millennia, and the human race has surpassed the speed of light. Moreover, gene-editing tools now provide hope in combating lethal diseases and controlling carcinogenic ailments. Given these advancements, the conventional curriculum’s limitations are evident, as it suppresses rational voices and fails to adapt to the changing world.
Comparing both curricula in detail reveals significant differences. The traditional curriculum revolves around books, prioritizing them over the needs of students. Education is confined to specialized buildings, with rigid teachers and management. Students adhere to fixed class schedules, while teachers focus on completing syllabi at any cost to prepare students for exams. In contrast, the modern curriculum is child-based, centering its attention on the individual student. From the outset, educators identify and understand each child’s unique differences and psychology to facilitate effective and enjoyable learning experiences. This curriculum fosters a sense of freedom, allowing children to learn according to their interests, and it transcends the boundaries of traditional classrooms, transforming the entire world into a learning space.

The exam-dominated nature of the traditional curriculum further hinders a child’s growth. From an early age, students are plagued by fear, striving to achieve outstanding results under the constant pressure of societal expectations. Many resort to shortcuts and rote learning, losing the opportunity to develop their brilliant minds fully. In contrast, the modern curriculum rejects the conventional examination system, instead focusing on developing a child’s mastery in different subjects and skills. Students pursue their interests and passions, guided by creativity and critical thinking, fostering a culture of questioning and constructive criticism.
Another drawback of the traditional curriculum is its emphasis on paper degrees. In this system, degrees hold paramount importance, often determining one’s eligibility for a teaching position or other professions. Yet, possessing a piece of paper should not overshadow an individual’s true expertise. The modern curriculum defies this notion, recognizing that expertise can stem from practical experience, passion, and determination. It celebrates success stories of individuals like Jack Ma, who defied conventional degrees and achieved remarkable success.
A curriculum that acknowledges and addresses the individual differences among children is crucial for progress. We must embrace an approach that nurtures the child’s innate curiosity and creativity, fostering a love for learning and critical thinking. As we live in an age dominated by science and technology, we must adapt our educational methods to suit the demands of this ever-changing world. It is my sincere request to parents and teachers to support a curriculum that is flexible, inclusive, and encourages the exploration of diverse interests. By doing so, we can equip the younger generation to embrace the challenges of the future with open minds and a thirst for knowledge. Let good sense prevail among us all as we pave the way for a brighter, more innovative tomorrow.
The views expressed in this article are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or views of this newspaper
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