In a world awash with opinions, a deeper truth remains: beneath the facade of judgment lies the human need for connection
By Saniya Zehra Dar
Our society is undeniably shaped by a pervasive judgmental attitude. It seems to have become an ingrained norm, almost a routine, to pass judgments on our fellow beings. Regrettably, the inclination to engage in introspection is notably lacking. Rather than turning our gaze inward, we find ourselves readily pointing accusatory fingers at others. An intriguing irony lies herein: as we extend these fingers, we remain oblivious to the fact that three of them point right back at us. This act of judging, of forming opinions or ideas about others without a thorough investigation, is disturbingly prevalent. It encompasses not only this superficial assessment but also the act of scrutinizing for faults – a practice that falls under the same rubric of judgment. In Pursuit of Understanding
Numerous definitions attempt to encapsulate the concept of judging others, yet they all share a common theme: its perniciousness and the harm it inflicts on the social fabric in the long term. Civilized societies, those that have embraced a higher level of human interaction and ethical conduct, typically eschew such behavior. For them, the act of finding fault is perceived as a characteristic befitting a lesser personality. The truly enlightened individual recognizes that their role is more about uplifting and shaping people, rather than demeaning and reducing them to their lowest ebb.
In societies where civilization thrives, the luxury of time negates the urge to cast blame. Instead, the populace busies itself with the pursuit of perfection in their own lives. On rare occasions when judgment becomes necessary, these societies have established refined mechanisms to ensure that the intent is constructive rather than destructive. Their viewpoint is anchored in the belief that elevating others is a far nobler endeavor than diminishing them. The intricacies of molding a wholesome individual are embraced over the ease of tarnishing one.

Contrasting starkly with these ideals, our own society is marred by a regressive proclivity to pass judgment and seek out faults. Progress by an individual is often met with skepticism and appraisal on multifarious yardsticks. Each faculty of human perception is strained to comprehend the reasons behind their success. In moments of sorrow or distress, the focus swiftly shifts to public discourse, with allegations and discussions swirling around the afflicted party. This tendency even extends to instances of wrongdoing, where a collective assembly convenes to dissect the actions and attributes of the transgressor, often going beyond factual boundaries to taint their reputation.
It is vital to bear in mind that misunderstandings and conflicts are inevitable among social beings. When entities come into close proximity, friction can result. However, the mark of a progressive society is not the absence of conflict, but rather how adeptly issues are navigated and resolved. This principle extends to individuals as well. Even one who has demonstrated consistent decency over time can find their character under question due to an isolated lapse. The circumstances leading to such an aberration might be intricate, but the verdict passed is swift and harsh. This undue judgment disrupts their peace, casting a lingering shadow.
Imperfection is an inherent aspect of the human condition. Accepting this truth and using it as a springboard for growth and self-improvement is the most sensible path forward. Rather than fixating on the errors of others, we must cultivate a culture of compassion, empathy, and support. Mistakes, being an intrinsic part of life, should not be scorned but understood. The pursuit of personal growth, after all, is a journey laden with lessons.
The impulse to judge others is akin to a disease that plagues our society. The remedy lies in a shift of mindset, a concerted effort to restrain this impulse. Initiation of change can commence within the confines of our homes, radiating outward to our communities and institutions. Within educational settings, a restructuring that prioritizes self-introspection could be transformative. The ability to recognize one’s own flaws and foibles stands as a more significant victory than prevailing in any external battles.
In a world where progress and achievement are celebrated, the success of others should never propel us toward judgment. This deeply ingrained malady requires not just superficial change but a transformation of our core beliefs. Diligent and persistent endeavors hold the potential to work wonders. It is in our hands to nurture this transformation, from fostering understanding and empathy within ourselves to imparting these values to the generations that follow. Only through such conscious effort can we hope to see the triumph of reason over judgment.
The views expressed in this article are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or views of this newspaper. The author is a class 9 student from Khushipora, HMT, Srinagar.
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