In a world driven by knowledge, let us not forget the fundamental importance of values in shaping individuals into compassionate and responsible citizens, guiding their actions and enriching their lives
By Qysar Ul Islam Shah
The well-known saying, “Alim Khotu chu Adab,” which translates to “Values are more important than knowledge,” carries profound meaning. While both knowledge and values hold undeniable significance, their interdependency cannot be denied. The early teaching of good manners, conduct, and behavior to children plays a pivotal role in shaping them into obedient and law-abiding citizens. It is essential to recognize that moral values extend beyond religious teachings, as they instill the ability to distinguish between right and wrong. Values act as guides in decision-making, inspire positive actions, and give purpose to our lives. Consequently, the importance of values should not be underestimated or overshadowed by education alone. Values: The True Education
The Role of Values in Personal Development: Values assume a critical role in personal growth and development. They influence our decisions and actions, shaping the future we aspire to create. Our values are reflected in our behavior and speech, defining our character and inspiring those around us. Being cultured and civilized serves as a testament to the values we embrace. Values provide us with a moral compass that guides us towards success and makes us more compassionate human beings. Education that lacks values fails to create a meaningful existence.
Value-Based Education for Personality Development: Value-based education plays a significant role in fostering personality development. It equips individuals with the necessary skills to navigate the complex social, moral, and cultural landscapes of life. In the past, moral education and values held great importance, with children being taught good manners and exposed to inspirational stories. Institutions such as Madrasas and Islamic centers emphasized etiquette, Islamic greetings, and other values that contribute to the formation of an individual’s character. Today, as we witness a decline in moral values, it becomes crucial to impart these values to the younger generation during their formative years.
The Need for Value Education in the School Curriculum: In the present era, value education must find its rightful place in the school curriculum to enable children to grasp the fundamental attributes of human values. Storytelling can be an effective tool in teaching these values to students, fostering kindness, compassion, and empathy. Education alone remains incomplete without the inclusion of values, particularly considering the detrimental influence of technology. Presently, we observe a generation engrossed in their cell phones, consuming online content without the necessary moral values on how to behave and interact with others. A society devoid of moral values cannot progress in any field.
Implementing Moral Values in Daily Life: The implementation of moral values in our daily lives brings us closer to the rewards promised by the Almighty in this world and the hereafter. Treating others with generosity and sincerity, being helpful and benevolent, exercising patience, practicing honesty, humility, and justice, and respecting elders are just a few examples of moral values that should guide our actions.
The Importance of Inculcating Moral Values: Inculcating moral values in today’s modern children is a pressing need. While they engage in academic and extracurricular activities, moral teachings are essential to provide them with guidance on how to act in challenging situations. Moral education lays the foundation for values that shape an individual’s life and help them achieve their goals. It serves as an ethical education, enabling individuals to choose the right path in life.

The Role of Society and Education: As society rapidly urbanizes and modernizes, the need for a hidden curriculum that emphasizes values becomes increasingly important. Society must not passively observe the values of future generations. Vigilance is required to monitor and guide the actions of the younger generation, ensuring that moral values are not neglected.
The Impact of Values on Positive Change: Moral values and ethical education have always aimed to promote overall student development. The way we educate our children has a significant impact on the future. Individuals with strong morals and values are the ones who bring about positive change in the world.
The relationship between education and values is inseparable, with both playing crucial roles in personal and societal development. Education, when combined with moral values, equips individuals with the knowledge, skills, and integrity necessary to navigate life successfully. The saying “Alim Khotu chu Adab” reminds us of the significance of values in shaping our character and actions. Therefore, it is imperative to prioritize value-based education to cultivate a generation that not only possesses knowledge but also embodies the moral virtues necessary for a harmonious and prosperous society.
The views expressed in this article are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or views of this newspaper. The author can be reached at [email protected]
Education without values is like a ship without a compass – it may have direction, but it lacks the moral grounding necessary to navigate life’s challenges with integrity and empathy. Prioritizing value-based education ensures the holistic development of individuals and cultivates a society rooted in ethical principles.
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